Here we will try to explain some of Aboriginal Law/Lore that is still used & how it is applied & clashes with Conventional Law.


Extract from British Colonisation of South Australia and Native Title in Australia. When Anglo-European Settlers first arrived in 1836 at Holdfast Bay (now Glenelg), the land was considered in the South Australia Act 1834 passed by the British Parliament and by Governor Hindmarsh as Commander in Chief in his Proclamation of 1836, to be barren wasteland. In contrast to the rest of Australia, the TERRA NULLIUS did not apply to the new Province. The Letters Patent establishing the Province of South Australia attached to the Act acknowledged prior ABORIGINAL OWNERSHIP, and clearly stated that NO actions could be undertaken that would “Affect the Rights of any Aboriginal Natives of the said Province to the actual Occupation and Enjoyment in their own Persons or in the Persons of their Descendants of any land therein now actually occupied or enjoyed by such Natives. Unfortunately although this Patent guaranteed Land Rights under Force of Law for the Aboriginal Inhabitants and Descendants, it was ignored by the South Australian Company Authorities and the Squatters.


Traditional Law/Lore was deided in Councils of Men. They could meet with the Lore Council of another Mob on what was classed as Lore Grounds and often on shared Boundaries. This enabled the two Mobs to meet without crossing over onto each others Land and causing incidents. This was extremely important if two young ones were interested in each other for the Lore Council to make a decision if they were allowed & if so with which Mob they would be initiated into.
Aboriginal Law/Lore was seen by White Men as Harsh, Brutal and sometimes Severe however it did make sure that discipline & an order of living was kept. The most common form of Aboriginal Lore was known as Payback & it is still used in some parts of Australia and to this day conflicts with Australian White Law.
One of the most common forms of Punishment was being speared in the Leg & depending on the offence the punishment was being served for detirmed where in the Leg the person was speared. An example would be taking another Man's Woman.
Hooking up with one from another Mob without prior consent from both sets of Elders usually resulted in banishment for both parties from both Mobs and also never being able to see or speak to respective Families again.


Our Traditional Lore was handed down from One Generation to the Next, much the same as all Cultures teach the Next Generation Values, Religion, Morals and Ethics.
Some say our Lore is our version of the Ten Commandments because it contained what was Forbidden and it was administered by our Elders in Council.
Our Lore was not written like the Commandments, it was verbal so that all would know what was and what wasn’t allowed as a Ngadjuri.
It covered Physical Assault within our Mob, Murder, Incest, Abduction of Women and Children, Rape, Theft, Respect, Authority on our Land! Punishment for breaking our Lore could be and usually was severe!